Audience Statement

Audience Statement

Unit 3 Media
media production design
creative contexts

Your audience statement will give a clear understanding of who your media product is made for. This could one or more target audiences.

An audience statement is detailed and specific. It should be 800 - 1000 words long.

When writing about an audience, you need to be as specific about your audience as possible, so it will be obvious in your finished product that you made the product for them. So instead of saying that your audience is anyone over the age of 15 who likes movies get in really close to your audience. It's often helpful to think about one specific person when writing about audience. For instance,

My audience would get up in the morning, skateboard to the local coffeeshop to get locally sourced coffee before buying 'The Age' newspaper.

When you are writing your Audience Statement, you will also need to do some kind of research into your audience. This could include a survey to some of your audience or a simple interview with them.

Your audience research shouldn't guide what your product will be, but help understand how they will react to certain aspects of it. This is why it's best to stick to information about their prior knowledge and experiences of the style or type of product you are making. If you know how they reacted to them, you will be able to make better decisions about your product.

When writing about your audience, include the following information:


Who exactly is your target audience? Where are they from? How old are they? What prior experience do they have with your genre/style? What prior knowledge do they have in the subject matter of your product? What similar media products would they be interested in?


Based on their prior knowledge and experiences, what expectations will your audience have for your media product? Will your product meet these expectations? What will be the effect on the audience's engagement when the expectations are met / not met?

Consumption and Reception

How should your audience best experience your product? Why? What emotions do you want your audiences to feel when they experience your product? What will they say about it afterwards? What is the moral of your story?


Like the Intention, your Audience statement is used throughout the assessment criteria. The clearer it is that you made a media product for a specific audience, the higher marks you will achieve.

Criteria 3

VCE Media: Administrative information for School-based Assessment in 2020 (VCAA)

To get a very high, an audience statement needs to:

Describe and articulate an audience

To describe an audience means to go into detail about who your audience is. To articulate your audience means to describe your audience in an articulate way. This means you give a wide berth of information about your audience and show how all the pieces fit together.

with specific examples

To give specific examples in your audience means that you show more than a broad understanding of your audience. For instance you will give specific examples of where they live, other types of media they enjoy and reasons why they consume certain types of media.


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