Forever Alone

Forever Alone

Year 9 Photography

Today you will be learning how to remove objects using the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop.

Learn How to Use The Clone Stamp Tool

  • Save the photo on the right by right clicking and pressing 'download'.
  • Go to the following website and follow the instructions to remove a person from the photo using the clone stamp tool.
  • Upload your completed file to the Clone Stamp Tool Learning Task on Compass.

Forever Alone

You got to the beach but there are a bunch of people there. You hate people. Using the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop, carefully remove all the people from the image so you can finally have the beach all to yourself


Once completed, save your image and upload it to the Clone Stamp Tool Learning Task on Compass.


When you have completed your Forever Alone photo, learn some more Photoshop skills using these tutorials.