Year 9 Photography
compose yourself
This week we are exploring our next element of photography: line.
Line can be a way to control how viewers look at your photo.
Learn about line theory
Read the powerpoint below to learn about the different types of line found in Art.
In a Word document, place two example photos from under a heading for each of the following types of lines:
- Vertical Lines
- Horizontal Lines
- Diagonal Lines
- Curved Lined (include an S curve)
- Converging Lines
Don't just choose the first images you find, look at a few and select ones that best describe the different line types.
Write a brief description of how the different lines change the impact of the image.
Upload to the Compass Learning Task
On the class page there will be a Learning Task called 'Photo Composition: Colour'. Use the digital submission feature to upload your documents onto Compass.
Next week you will use your new knowledge to find these lines throughout the school.