Media narrative investigation

Media narrative investigation

Unit 3 Media
media production development
research and exploration

A media narrative investigation requires students to do a close study of a media product they would find inspirational to their own style.

Each section should include a written exploration and annotated screenshots. It will explore how the codes and conventions have been used, how the audience is engaged what inspiration you take away   It will be 600-800 words.

Narrative Conventions

  • How has the story been structured? Has the three act structure been used? What is the break into two moment?
  • How have characters been established? What is their motivation? How do they develop and change? What obstacles do they overcome?
  • How is time structured in the narrative? From whose point of view in the narrative from?
  • What narrative conventions might you incorporate into your own product? What would you need to adjust for it to work for your constraints? How will it engage your intended audience?

Genre Conventions

  • Which Blake Snyder genre does it fit into? Describe it's different aspects.
  • What other genres does the narrative fit into? What narrative conventions does the narrative use?
  • Describe how genre conventions have shaped use of symbolic and technical codes.
  • What genre conventions might you incorporate into your own product? What would you need to adjust for it to work for your constraints? How will it engage your intended audience?

Styles and techniques

  • Which codes and conventions stand out as making this narrative a unique product?
  • What distinctive techniques have been used?
  • What other information can you find out for these styles and techniques? How were they achieved? What other research can you do?
  • What styles and techniques might you incorporate into your own product? What would you need to adjust for it to work for your constraints? How will it engage your intended audience?