#mood colour palette (remote)

#mood colour palette (remote)

Year 9 Photography
compose yourself

This week we are taking photos based on what we learned about colour last week.


Take photos using a Monochromatic colour scheme

A monochromatic colour scheme is the use of the one colour
  1. Choose one colour that you are going to use to take a series of photos of. For example, you might choose to take photos of only blue things, or only pink things.
  2. Go on a photo scavenger hunt for objects of that colour! This could be inside or outside the house. Get in close so you only see that object and it's colour. You need to take at least 9 photos of your chosen colour.

Edit your photos

Editing the photos

You may want to crop your photos so that you are removing anything that isn't your chosen colour from the frame.

You may also want to add saturation to your photo in order to really make your colours stand out.

Photo Collage

When you have taken all your photos it's time to make a photo collage so that all your photos can be seen as a grid on the same page.

A photo collage is when you combine multiple images into the one image.

There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Use an app on your phone such as Layout from Instagram to make your collage
  • Put you photos on your Instagram page and take a screenshot of your profile page.
  • Insert all your photos into a Word document and use the tools within Word to make a grid.
  • Insert all your photos in to a Powerpoint document and use the auto tools to make a grid.
  • Use Photoshop to make a collage - using these instructions.

Upload to the Compass Learning Task

On the class page there will be a Learning Task called 'Photo Composition: Monochromatic Colour'. Use the digital submission feature to upload both documents onto Compass.

