Roles in School Film Productions

Roles in School Film Productions

Unit 2 Media
narratives in production
roles and responsibilities


The Director is the one who is ultimately responsible for the film. It will be mostly the director's film you will be making and if the group can!t come to agreement on something then the director will get the final say.

The director has the most important job in the group and it is up to them that everything runs smoothly. They should have a clear vision on how they want the film to look and strong leadership qualities.

The director:

  • Works closely with all crew members in order to make sure their vision is upheld.
  • Has a meeting with the Producer to report the progress of the production.
  • Deals with any conflict within the group and keeps the crew on task at all times.
  • Works closely with the cast to make sure they are getting the best acting possible.

Assistant Director

The Assistant Director needs to be the best organisational skills of the group as they are the ones responsible for making sure all the crew is working together and organised. They are often the go-between person of the director and the rest of the crew. They take minutes of all meetings, creates call sheets and makes sure everyone is where they need to be. When on set, the Assistant Director will work with the crew when the Director is directing the Talent.

The Assistant Director: - works closely with the Director on all organisational aspects of the shoot. - takes minutes at every production meeting. - books all equipment needed for shoots. - creates call sheets for shoots. - organises the shoots to make sure all crew, cast, talent and extras needed are present. - Works closely with all crew on set to make sure everything runs smoothly - is responsible for the shot log on set.


The Cinematographer is the crew member who works the camera. Their job is to understand the director's vision and bring the storyboard to life. They must understand the technical abilities of the camera and work closely with the lighting and sound crew to make sure the technical and artistic quality of the screen images are what the director is looking for.

The cinematographer: - Has a proficient understanding of the camera. - Is able to guide the Art Director and lighting and sound crews to help create the scene. - Works closely with the director to help realise their vision.


The Gaffer is in control of all the lighting aspects on the film shoot. They work closely with the Cinematographer to make sure the lighting is pleasing in the shot. This may include use of the Redhead lights or use of the reflectors, or any other lighting sources such as lamps or torches. The Gaffer must also be aware of the electricity needed for the set.

The gaffer: - Has a good understanding of how lighting works in a scene. - Works closely with the Cinematographer and Art Director on how a scene should look. - Understands the Health and Safety rules regarding working with electricity on set.

Sound Engineer

The Sound Engineer is responsible for the sound quality on set. This involves working with the microphone and boom pole to get the best sound possible. The Sound Engineer must understand the logistics of getting the best sound in different conditions and work closely with the Cinematographer to make sure the microphone is not in the shot.

The Sound Engineer: - Understands the technical aspects of the microphone and how to get the best sound possible. - Works closely with the Cinematographer.

Art Director

The Art Director is responsible for how everything in the film looks. This includes scouting for locations, dressing the set and organising costumes and props. The Art Director works closely with the director to understand their vision and works with the cinematographer and Gaffer to make sure this vision is in the film. The Art Director is also responsible for continuity.

The Art Director: - Works closely with, and understands the vision of the director. - is responsible for scouting for locations. - is responsible for props and costuming. - is responsible for hair and make-up. - is responsible for continuity. - works with the Cinematographer and Gaffer.


The editor!s main role is constructing the footage on the computer to make a cohesive story. The Editor works closely with the Director to make sure the Director!s vision is upheld. The Editor has a proficient understanding of how the editing software works.

The Editor: - Works closely with, and understands the vision of the Director. - has a proficiency with Final Cut Express. - is responsible for dumping the footage as soon as footage is shot. - is responsible for logging all the footage. - is responsible for the final edit of the film.