〽️ Narrative Structure
Most films can be seen under some basic hollywood narrative structures. Typically, a film can often be described under a three act structure, where the world of the film is established, there is is rising tension which leads to a climax and resolution.
Much of how this looks or works may depend on genre conventions, however, we as an audience depend on the good guy to win, the couple to end up together, or more than anything, that there is an ending. The narrative needs to feel as if it had a beginning, middle and an end.
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🤵 Character construction
The characters in a film are what moves the narrative forward. It’s the characters’ desires and traits that provide the motivations for a story to progress in a ‘natural’ way.
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👀 Point of View
Point of view is basically whose eyes we see the film through. This is usually the same person telling the story.