Symbolic Codes

Symbolic Codes

Unit 1 Media
media representations
representations and constructions

🌎 Setting


The environment in which the narrative takes place.

Extended info / examples


Worksheets / Resources

🖼 Setting.pptx1577.3KB
✍️ Setting.docx2408.2KB

Video Examples

Scene library

Furious Intro

Mad Max: Fury Road

Brooklyn 1972

Dog Day Afternoon

The Cropduster

North by Northwest

Entering The Saloon

Back To The Future 3

Let me tell you about my boat

The Life Aquatic

Outside Resources

Swipe file

Settings are Characters, Too - YouTube
Narrative: A Critical Linguistic Introduction - Michael Toolan - Google Books
Setting - Definition and Examples | LitCharts
The Coen Brothers: Setting as Character - YouTube

🎭 Mise en scene


The description of all the objects with a frame of the media product and how they have been arranged.

Extended info / examples

🎭Mise en Scene

Worksheets / Resources

✍️ Mise en scene.docx2282.1KB
🖼 mise en scene.pptx460.9KB

Video Examples

Scene library



The Escape

The Invisible Man

James T Kirk

Star Trek

Restaurant Scene


Parlour Room


The Girl in the Red Coat

Schindler's List

Line Up

The Usual Suspects

Departed Chase Scene

The Departed

Green plant


Outside Resources

Swipe file

“Mise-En-Scène” in “Film Appreciation” on OpenALG
Mise-en-Scène – Moving Pictures
mise en scene
Children of Men Alfonso Cuarón film analysis • Senses of Cinema
Costume Design: The Hidden Layer of Movie Magic - YouTube
Baby Driver - Colour Coded Characters

🕺 Acting


Actors portray characters in media products and contribute to character development, creating tension or advancing the narrative.

Extended info / examples


Worksheets / Resources

✍️ Acting Worksheet.docx254.0KB
🖼 Acting PowerPoint.pptx243610.7KB

Video Examples

Scene library

You’re tearing me apart

Rebel Without A Cause

Truth or Dare

Eighth Grade

Telling the Parents


Line Up

The Usual Suspects

The Staircase

The Shining

Magic Trick

The Dark Knight

Taking It Up With HR

The Assistant

Outside Resources

Swipe file

Westworld: What Makes Anthony Hopkins Great - YouTube
Introduction: gesture in film: Journal for Cultural Research: Vol 19, No 1
(80) Movie Accent Expert Breaks Down 32 Actors' Accents | WIRED - YouTube
Accent Expert Breaks Down 6 Fictional Languages From Film & TV | WIRED - YouTube
Movie Accent Expert Breaks Down 31 Actors Playing Real People | WIRED - YouTube
There Will Be Blood: Vocal Control in Movies - YouTube
Observations on film art : THE SOCIAL NETWORK: Faces behind Facebook

🎨 Colour


Different colours can have different connotations, depending on context and culture. Colour in media products can also be manipulated in a variety of different ways. Colour can be controlled via lighting, through the setting and mise en scene, and especially now, controlled in the editing process.

Extended info / examples


Worksheets / Resources

✍️ Colour Worksheet.docx1158.2KB
🖼 Colour PowerPoint.pptx168031.2KB

Video Examples

Scene library

Time To Die

Blade Runner


Blade Runner 2049

Restaurant Scene


The Girl in the Red Coat

Schindler's List

The Birthday Party

The Sixth Sense

The Wake

The Sixth Sense

Departed Chase Scene

The Departed

Green plant


Outside Resources

Swipe file

Netflix’s ‘Extraction’ is being called out for its Bangladesh yellow filter
Joker Cinematographer Explains The Impact of Color in Film | Vanity Fair - YouTube
The Power Of Colour In Film: Storytelling Through Chromatics
Color Theory in Film — Color Psychology for Directors: Ep5 - YouTube
How David Fincher's Movie Color Palette Sets Your Nerves on Edge - YouTube
Colour In Storytelling | The Cinema Cartography - YouTube
How filmmakers manipulate our emotions using color - YouTube
Understanding Color - YouTube
La La Land: Using Color | VIDEO ESSAY - YouTube
Baby Driver - Colour Coded Characters