Unit 2 Media
narratives in production
the rules of the game
What is a treatment?
A film treatment is a detailed outline of your film from start to finish. Treatments are a very popular way of attracting attention from studios or people in the industry when you haven't got a completed script ready. Your treatment should be short and snappy so that it grabs peoples attention.
Treatments are usually written in the present tense and in prose style, making use of short, easy-to-read paragraphs. They are written in font Courier size 12.
Parts of a Treatment:
How you would explain your film in one or two paragraphs. The concept explains:
- the basic premise of the film
- the Genre
- the intended audience
- the Theme
An introduction to the major characters in your film. This may include:
- basic bio information,
- their relationship to the film
- character traits
A scene by scene rundown on what happens in your film. A synopsis tells the reader all the action that happens in the film. Includes:
- Where each scene is set
- The basic action in the scene
- Motivations for character’s behaviour.
Treatment Examples
Treatment Example.pdf32.6KB