Unit 2 Media
style and genre
exploring a distinctive style
For this SAC you will create a video essay of 3 - 6 minutes that explores the style of a media producer that you find inspirational. Your video essay should include the following things:
How a media producer uses codes / conventions to create a personal style.
Some questions you might consider are:
- What symbolic or technical codes are evident throughout the producer's work?
- What story conventions are evident throughout the work?
- How has the style changed or evolved over time?
What the influences of this style are.
Some questions you might consider are:
- What media other media creators and artists had an influence on your chosen media producer?
- How does the producer's work reflect the world they live in?
- What does the producer's work tell you about what they want to say about the world?
- How has the producer made a product for a specific medium?
The personal connection you have with the media producer.
Some questions you might consider are:
- Why do you find this producer inspirational?
- How did you first come to see the producer's work?
- What does this work mean to you?
- How might this producer come to influence your own media productions?