Year 9 Photography
compose yourself
This week, you will be taking what you learned last week about different types of line, and you will finding them yourself int he world.
Finding Lines
- Go for a walk and take your camera with you. Whilst you are out you need to keep in mind the different types of line we learned about last week:
- Vertical Lines
- Horizontal Lines
- Diagonal Lines
- Curved Lines
- Converging Lines
- On your walk, try to get a photo of at least one example of each type of line. Don't just take a snapshot, think about how you could artfully take a photo using line.
Edit Your photos
Use photoshop or another app to do some slight edits to your photos such as applying a crop, or adjusting the colour, saturation and contrast. You might also want to add some filters if you like.
Place your photos into a Word document, including the best photo you took for each type of line. Label your photos appropriately.
Upload to the Compass Learning Task
On the class page there will a Learning Task called 'Finding Lines'. Use the digital submission feature to upload your word document to Compass.